About the Shell's

My photo
Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Game #1 for the Dragons ends in a tie

Earlier this year it was Baseball (T-Ball) but now it's the season for Soccer. Bracken plays for the Dragons and this was his 1st game. The game started at 10:15 AM and the mid-day sun came early (97 degrees). Bracken will be 5 next month so at this level of competition there is no score keeping, and the clock runs continuously; every game is a tie. They break every 15 minutes for water and there are 3 breaks per game, including 1/2 time.

Bracken is taking a water break and also a free kick.

Remember to checkout the links under Family Blogs and Photos for additional family pictures and stories. ===>