About the Shell's

My photo
Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy 40th Birthday Shawn

Mom writes: Such a special day. I was way, way overdue for you to come and finally everything was coming fast. We had to drive from Hawthorne to Santa Monica. We get to St. John’s Hospital and all the nurses and aides were talking about New Years Eve. I didn’t have a whole lot of time before they took me to the delivery room. When the moment came everyone stopped because you came out looking around and so awake and aware. Bright Eyes! Always interested in everything around you. Everyone commented about how beautiful you were. You are so special. Happy Birthday, Love Mom.



Christmas at Pop and Grammie Shell's

We celebrate our family Christmas on Christmas eve. This year Brent's family (Melinda, Jacob, Paige, Noah) and Stephanie's family (Matt, Bracken, Camden, Ainsley) joined us. Shawn's family (Jeff, Jesse, Jenna, Shanna) couldn't make it due to Jeff's work schedule, although they were able to be with us on Thanksgiving; a special treat. Christmas dinner consisted of 14.5 lbs prime rib, green beans, brussel sprouts, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, rolls, iced tea, punch, and chocolate cheesecake. Pictured here are the Rowley and Hay children under our Christmas tree.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The snow storm finally arrived on Monday as predicted and left behind 18-24" of fresh powder. Weather the remainder of the week didn't get above the mid-thirties. Highways and roads were hazardous due to ice and Interstate 5 (I-5) was closed for periods both Monday and Tuesday. However, careful driving, snow tires and 4-wheel drive did the trick (no snow chains required) to get us to the cabin safely. We arrived Friday afternoon and the snow at the cabin was still as fresh as if it had just fallen. Friday afternoon we tried to build a snowman on the patio deck but the snow was not cooperating (too powdery). Friday evening we watched Star Wars V The Empire Strikes Back. Saturday morning was play day in the snow...sliding down the driveway and playing in the snow cover playground while Grammie was getting a haircut. Pictured below: Bracken and Camden at the Christmas tree in the front yard, inside warming up after playing in the snow, and videos of them sliding down the driveway. Everyone had a wonderful time.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bracken and Camden help decorated the cabin for Christmas

This weekend we decorated the cabin for Christmas. Bracken and Camden decorated a small Christmas tree. We were hoping for a big snow fall but the big storm was late, not scheduled to arrive until Monday. Grammie noticed that some snow was starting to fall so she walked the boys over to the patio window to watch. Bracken said: "I never knew that snow came from the sky." "I caught snow with my tongue." "I think that is not something that many people see." Camden said: "That's so funny." "I never saw that before." The boys were so excited. We wish the snow fall could have been more, but we're taking the boys back to the cabin again Friday afternoon and we hope that the snow is sufficient to build a snowman. Bracken and Camden have also developed an interest in Star Wars and we played with their Star Wars The Clone Wars figures. We also watched the first Star Wars movie (Star Wars IV The New Hope). Here are some pictures of Bracken and Camden after they decorated the Christmas tree. They also baked some Christmas cookies with help from Grammie.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This year we had the entire immediate family for Thanksgiving (minus my Mom)...that's 9 adults and 9 grandchildren. The challenge this year was not cooking dinner which consisted of 24.6 lbs turkey, 10 lbs mashed potatoes (garlic and regular), 2 types of stuffing, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes/yams, cornbread muffins, rolls, green salad, cranberry salad, 24 hour salad, herb butter, cranberries, deviled eggs, assorted relish tray, pumpkin pie, chocolate cream pie, carrot cake, punch, ice tea, and coffee. The real challenge was getting 9 grandchildren ranging in age from 7 months to 12 years old to sit still long enough, and facing the camera to get this picture.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fireplace Mantel

This weekend we installed a new log mantel above our fireplace at the cabin. The builder of the cabin was suppose to install a split log but instead did nothing more than just a 2" x 6" and some 1" x 3" trim (it's a long story). I'd been toying with the idea of building a mantel myself but always fell short of coming up with a plan or design that would meet my standards of perfection. After about 5 years of living with the 2" x 6" mantel I did a search on eBay for a rustic mantel. I found a master craftsman in Augusta Georgia who makes furniture, including custom made to measure mantels using cedar logs. We communicated back and forth and finally came up with the perfect mantel. After about 5 weeks the mantel was delivered. Several attempts and a lot of help from Joyce to get it positioned just right, we finally got it just where we wanted it. Here are some before and after pictures. Hope you'll agree that the new mantel is a BIG improvement.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Late season trout fishing...not

The trout season in the high sierra's ends October 31st so we thought it would be nice to get in one last fishing trip before the season closed. We (my fishing partner Wally and I) headed out late Wednesday afternoon for Mammoth Lakes; Wally owns a condo there and it's been our base of operations for many years. As we arrived at the condo we were greeted by a mother bear and her 2 cubs. They appeared to be standing guard over the trash dumpster which fortunately was locked. The picture above is upper and lower twin lakes at Mammoth Lakes and shows just how beautiful it can it be regardless of weather. Our plan was to fish upper twin lake at Bridgeport Thursday and Gull lake (part of the June lake loop) Friday. We rented a boat at upper twin and headed out for a days fishing. Shortly after leaving the boat dock we encountered conditions that made fishing almost impossible. Winds were 30 MPG generating wave and white caps; it was like victory at sea. Little did we know that a major storm was heading our way which would eliminate most all of our earlier plans. Bottom line... winds continued throughout the day and into Friday evening. Temperatures dropped to 18 degrees and there was 4" to 6" of snow everywhere. We headed home Saturday morning stopping just south of Bishop to fish the Owens river. No fish anywhere to be found.

Pictured below: Leaving snow covered Mammoth Lakes and Wally fishing the Owens river.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Game #1 for the Dragons ends in a tie

Earlier this year it was Baseball (T-Ball) but now it's the season for Soccer. Bracken plays for the Dragons and this was his 1st game. The game started at 10:15 AM and the mid-day sun came early (97 degrees). Bracken will be 5 next month so at this level of competition there is no score keeping, and the clock runs continuously; every game is a tie. They break every 15 minutes for water and there are 3 breaks per game, including 1/2 time.

Bracken is taking a water break and also a free kick.

Remember to checkout the links under Family Blogs and Photos for additional family pictures and stories. ===>

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long lost relatives share great news

Earlier this week I connected with my aunt Polly who I hadn't heard from in a few years. She's a young 80 years old, the youngest in my dad’s family of 16 children. She had emailed me several years ago but for whatever reason I had lost her email address. She mentioned that she would be seeing my uncle Carl today at his Baptism. Carl is 86 years old and somehow couldn't remember if he had been baptized or not. A search for records of his baptism turned up nothing. So my uncle decided that regardless if he had been baptized or not he was going to make it happen. Today, in the presence of family and friends, Carl Quinton Shell was baptized by Pastor Bob Shoffner. Pictured here from left to right: his son Phil, daughter's Sara and Carla, wife Nina, my uncle Carl, Senior Pastor Bob Shoffner and Pastor Brian Ballard. This is a record of that special day.

More about my dad's siblings... Of the 16 children, 11 grew to maturity, and 2 remain today. Pictured below are my uncle Carl, and my aunt Polly. Several have mentioned that I look a lot like my uncle Carl; maybe it's the hairline or lack thereof and the moustache, you be the judge. My aunt Polly is an award winning artist. Sparked by a Christmas gift of paints, brushes, a stack of canvases and a request "paint me a picture" from her daughter Donna, she began painting 13 years ago at the young age of 67. See her work at: http://www.oldeenglishart.com/ (Lee Skipper).

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Turtle "Shell" Story

This week I connected with long lost cousins, aunts, and an uncle on my dad side of the family, originating from North Carolina. When we were kids, every summer just as soon as school was out we'd jump in the car and drive non-stop to Hickory, North Carolina. We initially traveled Route 66, later our travels followed Interstate 40. In those days there was no air conditioning in cars and driving across the California desert wasn't much fun. You carried canvas water bags on your front bumper to reduce the risks of your car overheating. If you were lucky, you had a water cooler hanging out the window or straddling the hump between the front seats. The first trip I remember was in a 1936 Buick coupe. My dad has built a bench that sat between the back seat and the front seats making the rear seat like a bed so we (Ronnie and Johnny) could sleep on the way. I remember one trip very vividly that we took in the summer of 1959. As usual the car was loaded the night before, and the moment school was out we jumped in a 1959 white Buick LeSabre and hit the road. Dad and mom took turns driving and popping no-doze as we only stopped for gas ($.22-.30/gal) and sometimes to pee. We were making good time and while driving through Arkansas dad suddenly slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car. There was a large turtle crossing the road and dad picked it up and put it in the trunk of the car. Mom asked…what are you going to do with that? Dad replied…we’ll give it to Grandma and she’ll fix it for supper; Mom didn’t realize at the time but dad had put the muddy turtle on her new coat. We arrived in Hickory late at night and the turtle spent the evening in the trunk of the car comfortable on moms coat, not knowing what was in store for him. The next day dad and grandpa retrieved the turtle and cleaned it…making it ready for grandma to cook. Most of us had a taste that day at supper and several said hmmm tastes like chicken, no frog, and then grandpa said I believe I like this almost as much as I like opossum. Dad saved the turtle shell and I still have it on display at our cabin. I was reminded of the story when chatting with my cousin Sara; thanks Sara for the stories and jogging my memory. Our annual visits to Hickory produced some special memories that I'll cherish forever.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pre-Labor Day weekend with Bracken and Camden

Bracken and Camden come to the cabin often. The boys just love to play, especially in the snow, but this weekend while waiting for winter to arrive, we spent time at the PMC park. Both are fearless when it comes to slides and climbing but the big slide was too hot from the noontime sun. Grammie thought it would be a great idea to bring a ball so the boys were able to practice their soccer skills. Here are a few highlights of this trip to the playground.

After returning from the playground and having lunch the boys helped Pop plant some flowers and plants. We also had a Lego tower building contest which Bracken won.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Willow resting after a long day

Willow's family (Matt, Stephanie, Bracken, Camden, and Ainsley) took a short 5 day mini-vacation to Flying Flags this week. Grammie and Pop provided lodging and entertainment for Willow while her family was away. Pictured here resting after a busy day.

Visit http://5hays.blogspot.com/2008/09/skunk.html
for Willow's latest adventure.

Gerry & Carole Baxter celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Carole Jackson, a young bride of 16 years, married Gerry Baxter on September 6, 1958, and yesterday Joyce and I drove to Riverside to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Carole is the oldest of 3 daughters born to Kenneth and Mary Jackson (Joyce is the baby). Attending the celebration were 82 close friends and family members. A video chronicling their lives was presented and a reception dinner completed the evening. The event was hosted by Carole and Gerry's oldest daughter Vicki.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dahlberg and Rowley Children

A rare moment during our visit when the Dahlberg and Rowley children were all in one place. Shanna missing due to her 1 year doctor's appointment. From right to left...Jesse, Jacob, Jenna, Paige, and Noah.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shanna's 1st Birthday Party

Shanna's 1st Birthday Party hosted by Shawn and Jeff at their home. In attendance: Grammie and Pop Shell, Nana and Papa Dahlberg, Shanna's brother Jesse and sister Jenna. Shanna's uncle Brent and aunt Melinda, Jacob, Paige, and Noah. Jeff's brother Todd, his wife Leslie, 4 sons, Levi, Benjamin, Connor, Landon, and a neighbor girl Elisa. A buffet dinner consisting of taco's, burritos, and a fruit salad was served. The video below shows just how much Shanna enjoyed her 1st birthday cake. The picture of the dinner table is what's left after 20 guests feasted at the buffet.

Garden of the gods

If you're every in Colorado Springs, a must see, aside from Stargate Command at Cheyenne Mountain, is Garden of the gods. Shawn and Jeff played host to this tour of the gardens.

Golfing--Cottonwood Creek, Colorado Springs

The boys finally rolled out of bed around 8:00 AM this morning so we went to the local disc golf course located at Cottonwood Creek Park. This picture shows Brent and Jeff at the 8th hole. Click on the picture to enlarge and notice that Brent's disc (red) is just leaving his hand heading for what would become a "birdie." They finished the 18 hole course; Brent 5 over par, Jeff 9 over par. This was their 2nd attempt at a very difficult course, according to Brent the Pro a self professed expert on this topic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jesse and Jenna's baptism

We were very fortunate that our trip to Colorado Springs this year coincided with the baptism of two of our grandchildren (Jesse and Jenna). I'm attaching pictures of the baptism service where their father (Jeff) participated in the baptism. After the service we all went to lunch at the Golden Corral.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vacation Plans 2008

This year we're taking a vacation...no joke, we're going to spend a week with Shawn, Jeff, Jesse, Jenna and Shanna in Colorado Springs. We'll be flying from LAX to COS and picking up a rental car upon arrival. Adding to the excitement, Brent, Melinda, Jake, Paige, and Noah will be there at the same time as part of their family vacation. We're looking forward to spending some quality time with the family. If Joyce reminds me to take the camera we'll be posting some new family pictures and sites we visit while in Colorado.

Just may stop by Cheyenne Mountain and checkout Stargate Command

Baby Ainsley April 13, 2008

Stephanie, Matt, Bracken, and Camden welcome new baby sister Ainsley (Grandchild #9)