About the Shell's

My photo
Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mary Jackson -- 90th Birthday Celebration

Mary...known by most as Grandma Jackson celebrated her 90th birthday this Sunday at the home of her daughter Barbara Percival. Mary's 3 daughters (Carole, Barbara and Joyce) along with a host of family (7 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, 1 great great grandchild) and friends were in attendance. Following are several pictures of the special event.

Shawn and family visit from Colorado Springs

Shawn and family (Jesse, Jenna, Shanna) flew in from Colorado Springs for a visit with us and to attend Grandma Jackson's 90th birthday celebration. They arrived Thursday afternoon and while here we spent Friday at Magic Mountain, Saturday at the Cabin and Sunday in Riverside celebrating grandma's birthday. Here are several pictures taken during their visit.