About the Shell's

My photo
Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Willow resting after a long day

Willow's family (Matt, Stephanie, Bracken, Camden, and Ainsley) took a short 5 day mini-vacation to Flying Flags this week. Grammie and Pop provided lodging and entertainment for Willow while her family was away. Pictured here resting after a busy day.

Visit http://5hays.blogspot.com/2008/09/skunk.html
for Willow's latest adventure.

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