About the Shell's

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Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The snow storm finally arrived on Monday as predicted and left behind 18-24" of fresh powder. Weather the remainder of the week didn't get above the mid-thirties. Highways and roads were hazardous due to ice and Interstate 5 (I-5) was closed for periods both Monday and Tuesday. However, careful driving, snow tires and 4-wheel drive did the trick (no snow chains required) to get us to the cabin safely. We arrived Friday afternoon and the snow at the cabin was still as fresh as if it had just fallen. Friday afternoon we tried to build a snowman on the patio deck but the snow was not cooperating (too powdery). Friday evening we watched Star Wars V The Empire Strikes Back. Saturday morning was play day in the snow...sliding down the driveway and playing in the snow cover playground while Grammie was getting a haircut. Pictured below: Bracken and Camden at the Christmas tree in the front yard, inside warming up after playing in the snow, and videos of them sliding down the driveway. Everyone had a wonderful time.

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