About the Shell's

My photo
Ron and Joyce live in the Santa Clarita Valley approximately 25 miles north of Los Angeles. We have 3 children (Shawn, Brent, and Stephanie) and 9 grandchildren (Jacob, Jesse, Paige, Jenna, Noah, Bracken, Camden, Shanna, and Ainsley).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shanna's 1st Birthday Party

Shanna's 1st Birthday Party hosted by Shawn and Jeff at their home. In attendance: Grammie and Pop Shell, Nana and Papa Dahlberg, Shanna's brother Jesse and sister Jenna. Shanna's uncle Brent and aunt Melinda, Jacob, Paige, and Noah. Jeff's brother Todd, his wife Leslie, 4 sons, Levi, Benjamin, Connor, Landon, and a neighbor girl Elisa. A buffet dinner consisting of taco's, burritos, and a fruit salad was served. The video below shows just how much Shanna enjoyed her 1st birthday cake. The picture of the dinner table is what's left after 20 guests feasted at the buffet.


Matt and Stephanie said...

Happy girl sitting in her big girl car seat. Too cute, but where did she get the blonde hair

Jeff Dahlberg said...

Thanks Mom & Dad for your visit and all of your help. We love you! Jeff & Shawn, Jesse, Jenna & Shanna